01 October 2008

Press the button: you will get an orgasm!

The manufacturers of the device "The Lightest Touch" ("The Lightest Touch") claim that their brainchild, sold for only $ 139.96, will allow women to get longer, pronounced and intense orgasms with a single push of a button. The new device is designed to achieve orgasm without touching a woman's genitals, by stimulating nerve endings.

20 minutes before the intended session, a woman needs to drink an electrolyte drink for athletes (what is it and why should you drink it, ask a BBC correspondent. Perhaps he confused the drink and the electrically conductive gel that lubricates the skin under the electrodes – VM), and then attach two white electrode pads to the inner surfaces of the ankles. The pads are connected directly to the device, the size of which does not exceed the size of the audio player. Stimulation by weak current pulses passing through the inner surface of the legs, in 10-30 minutes, bring a woman to the verge of orgasm.

According to Cherise Davidson, director of consumer support at the manufacturer, the device does not cause an orgasm, it gently stimulates the sexual nervous pathways, bringing the woman to the pre-orgasmic plateau, where she can stay as long as she wishes, after which light stimulation triggers the actual orgasm.

BBC News Online was unable to obtain independent scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of the product, however, Ms. Davidson, who first tested the device three years ago and continues to use it with pleasure, insists on its effectiveness. She claims that the device can help women who want to improve their sex life and have problems reaching orgasm.

In the USA, the product went on sale six months ago and is already beginning to attract the attention of Europe. According to Ms. Davidson, the company has already sold almost 4,000 devices, some of which have found their consumers in the UK. However, representatives of the British Family Planning Association recommend that women who have problems in their family or sexual life get expert advice about the possible causes of these problems and ways to solve them before buying the device. The use of "Slightest Touch" is not recommended during pregnancy, taking antidepressants and certain diseases, including heart problems.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru according to the BBC – Orgasms 'at the touch of a button' 01.10.2008

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