22 January 2009

RUSNANO: the plans are huge

Rusnano State Corporation is developing a concept for creating a network of nanotechnology centers in Russia, said the head of the corporation Anatoly Chubais, speaking at the Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Lebedev on Wednesday.

"We are talking about the construction of centers at the most modern scientific and technical level, which are designed to provide business processes in various branches of the nanotechnology industry - from microelectronics ("clean rooms") to pharmaceuticals," Chubais said. He added that the project is still under development. At the same time, he noted that Rusnano is currently in intensive negotiations with Moscow State University and the Kurchatov Center on the construction or creation of such centers in existing buildings.

In addition, Chubais noted that the nanoindustry being created in Russia needs broad infrastructural support, from popularization tasks to education. Rusnano will cooperate with the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science in the field of popularization and education.

According to Chubais, from mid-2009, the company will consider five to six projects per month with financing of about 1 billion rubles. The term of consideration of the project, which includes passing, in particular, scientific, technical and business expertise, should not exceed 180 days. At the moment, six or seven projects have passed the examination in the company and received funding. The amount of funds amounted to 6 billion rubles.

Chubais noted that the company's goal is that by 2015 the volume of production in the Russian nanoindustry will reach 300 billion rubles with the company's participation and about 900 billion rubles without its participation. He cited expert estimates according to which the volume of production in the nanoindustry at the current stage is 6 billion rubles.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru according to the materials of RIA NOVOSTI22.01.2009

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