10 November 2023

It has become known what habits prolong life

Scientists at Columbia University have listed eight rules for a long youth. However, according to their colleagues and, in particular, Ancha Baranova, Professor of the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (USA), there is nothing fundamentally new in these rules.

But maybe this once again proves the correctness of these rules?

The first is proper nutrition: more fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, and less salt, sugar and fast food.

The second is physical activity: at least 150 minutes a week of good exercise, and twice a week - strengthening muscles with weights.

The third is not smoking or drinking alcohol.

Fourth - a healthy sleep: at least seven hours.

Fifth - do not gain excess weight: the norm of body mass index - from 18.5 to 25.

Sixth - control of cholesterol.

The seventh is the same control of blood sugar.

Eighth, control of blood pressure.

Indeed, the rules are not new - but does everyone follow them?
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