$30,000,000 for personalized medicine in cancer treatment
Representatives of the J. Hopkins and S. Kimmel Cancer Center announced the opening of a new Center for Personalized Medicine, which will develop cancer treatment methods.
31.08.2011Representatives of the J. Hopkins and S. Kimmel Cancer Center announced the opening of a new Center for Personalized Medicine, which will develop cancer treatment methods.
31.08.2011On March 26, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and prize-winners of the fifth All–Russian Intellectual Forum-Olympiad "Nanotechnology - a breakthrough into the Future" took place in the assembly hall of the First Academic Building of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
28.03.2011Skolkovo, Rusnano and RVC will open their office in the USA in the spring.
10.03.2011Representatives of Sanofi-aventis predict that due to the takeover of Genzyme by 2013, the company's net profit per share will increase by 0.75-1.003 euros.
18.02.2011Three and a half years ago in the UK, as a result of cloning, four copies of the famous Dolly sheep were born.
01.12.2010The City Hall of Rotterdam promotes the use of spray and sometimes takes the costs on itself. She also advises using "DNA markers" to mark valuables to make it easier to identify them when stolen.
19.10.2010Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi intends to fund research to increase life expectancy to 120 years.
13.09.2010Homozygous mutants of the second generation lived ten times longer than ordinary C.elegans, but they were sterile. Maybe it is possible to somehow compensate for the infertility associated with the age-1 gene and leave only a long life? A number of data points to the fact that it is impossible – at least in one action.
04.03.2008The new gene map will not only help scientists better understand the biology and genetics of corn, but will also accelerate the development of new varieties of this important food grain. Now researchers will have to carefully analyze the collected information and draw a lot of conclusions, both purely cognitive and practical.
27.02.2008The US National Institute for Drug Addiction has allocated a grant of $ 10 million for the final stage of the development of NicVAX – a vaccine against nicotine addiction.
16.10.2009As we age, the process of cell self-purification, autophagy, becomes less effective. Researchers believe that spermidine inhibits the production of a protein that inhibits the activation of genes responsible for the autophagy process.
07.10.2009Stanford University researchers used adipose tissue as a starting material instead of skin to produce induced pluripotent stem cells, which is now being destroyed after liposuction.
09.09.2009Isolated from the saliva of ticks, the compound is able to slow down the reproduction of malignant tumor cells without harming healthy cells.
02.09.2009Further tests allowed to improve the invention, its interactive gaming table and information display, as well as to form a set of 20 computer games that train and regulate the most important mental skills, stimulate social perception. These games, among other things, are fascinating in themselves.
18.05.2009Researchers from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem have proposed a method to reduce the risk of developing tumors using embryonic stem cells – suppressing the synthesis of a protein called survivin.
07.05.2009"When combining embryonic and mesenchymal stem cells that are able to differentiate into cells of several types, it is possible to probably get other organs,– says Mariko Yamaki. "But first I want to try to grow hair using human embryonic stem cells."
21.04.2009The cryobank at the Orenburg Regional Blood Transfusion Station will isolate and store umbilical cord blood stem cells and adult peripheral blood stem cells at an ultra-low temperature for many years.
03.04.2009Neurophysiologists from the University of Sussex compared which activity is most effective in relieving stress. It turned out that neither music, nor walking, nor video games relaxed the subjects participating in the study as much as ordinary book reading. People who experienced severe stress relaxed and got out of stress the fastest by immersing themselves in reading.
01.04.2009You can write to the editor at:
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