06 April 2015

The "centenarian" girl died at the age of 17

A girl with the body of a 104-year-old woman died in the UK

RIA News

A teenage girl with Hutchinson-Guilford syndrome, which provokes premature aging of the body, died in the UK at the age of 17, while her body was the same as that of a 104-year-old man, the Guardian reports.

Hayley Okines' mother, Kerry, announced her daughter's death on her Facebook page. She wrote that the girl died on Thursday in her arms.

Hayley Okins suffered from a rare genetic disease – Hutchinson-Guilford syndrome, or progeria, due to which her body aged ten times faster than the body of a healthy person. The doctors who monitored the girl's condition said that she would only live to the age of 13.

Hayley was a very active child, at the age of 14 she published her autobiography. The girl starred in several documentaries, traveled a lot, and also met celebrities, including Prince Charles, Kylie Minogue and Justin Bieber.

Progeria is a very rare disease, it is a genetic mutation that causes the rapid development of diseases inherent in old age – clouding of the lens, muscle atrophy, atherosclerosis, changes in bones and joints. There are only about 80 cases of progeria known in the world, and patients rarely live to adulthood. Progeria develops due to a "downed" program of a certain section of DNA (the LMNA gene on the first chromosome) encoding the production of a key protein for cell division.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru 06.04.2015

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