04 October 2023

Japan has developed a standing capsule for daytime sleep in the office

A Japanese startup has unveiled an unusual device for short naps in the office.

KOYOJU Plywood has presented a sleep capsule "Giraffenap" designed for office workers. According to the authors' idea, such a device will not take up much space, but at the same time will allow workers to quickly recover and increase productivity.

The name of the capsule alludes to the ability of giraffes to sleep standing up. The device is designed to maintain a comfortable standing position. The company produces sleep capsules in two versions: the futuristic Spacia and the wooden Forest. Both models are 1.2 meters wide and 1.2 meters deep, while Spacia is 2.57 meters tall and Forest is 2.53 meters tall. 

The idea is that users can enjoy a short siesta in the office or in a café, for example. Sleeping in public places seems to be more socially acceptable in Japan than in most other countries. The capsule design supports the head, buttocks, shins and soles of the feet to ensure a pleasant short nap.

The area under the ROC curve using AI-based diagnostic methods was 0.83-0.88 for diseases with decreased lung tissue transparency and 0.89-0.97 for pneumothorax. For pleural effusion, the area under the ROC curve was 0.94-0.97.

Sensitivity reached 72-91% for decreased lung tissue transparency, 63-90% for pneumothorax, and 62-95% for pleural effusion. The sensitivity was lower in case of weakly expressed decrease in lung tissue transparency (33-61%). In case of small pneumothorax and small volume of pleural effusion the sensitivity was also lower (9-94%) than in case of pronounced changes (81-100%).

The prognostic value of a negative result was 92-100% for all changes. Specificity was higher in the absence of changes on the radiograph and in single changes. In the presence of multiple changes, the specificity was markedly lower and was only 27-69% for decreased lung transparency.

The developers report that they conducted a study with Hokkaido University and Taiwan National University and showed that in an upright position, a person reaches the second stage of sleep faster and does not fall into deep sleep. In this mode, users recover from a short siesta of up to 30 minutes and feel alert upon awakening.

The cushions and seat height can be adjusted via the control panel to suit different body types. In addition, different lighting options and USB ports for charging portable devices such as phones and tablets are utilized inside the booth. Fans and air purifiers are installed and the seats are wiped down after use. The company plans to have the models on the market by the end of 2023.
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