21 July 2023

Juices, potatoes and refined grains trigger the development of depression

Unhealthy plant foods - potatoes, fruit juices, high-sugar foods, refined cereals - can provoke anxiety and depression in people.
Such a conclusion was made by Iranian scientists from Isfahan University of Technology. In the scientific journal PLOS One published the results of their research.

At the same time, healthy plant foods, such as whole grains, healthy vegetables, nuts, fruits, vegetable oils, legumes, coffee, tea, did not cause such an effect.

The study involved 2,456 healthy people 18 years of age and older. They had to consume 800 to 4200 kilocalories daily and fill out a special questionnaire.

Analysis of the questionnaires showed that the participants who consumed a lot of junk food were more likely to be anxious and experience symptoms of depression. At the same time, the scientists failed to establish a cause-and-effect relationship, and they intend to continue the research.
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