Eosinophils rejuvenated mice
Mice that had chronic inflammation eliminated with the help of cell therapy got rid of age-related health disorders.
07.07.2020Mice that had chronic inflammation eliminated with the help of cell therapy got rid of age-related health disorders.
07.07.2020A new chip that mimics the properties of the cell membrane will help researchers safely search for a cure against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
07.07.2020Microdoses of tetrahydrocannabinol are sufficient to prevent intense pain for two hours.
07.07.2020Scientists have developed a neural network capable of recognizing the tissues of the forming retina even before its differentiation.
07.07.2020Rabbits implanted with a bioengineered uterus were able to conceive, carry and give birth to healthy offspring.
06.07.2020Studying the molecular mechanisms of protein biosynthesis helps to understand the fundamental mechanisms underlying aging processes.
06.07.2020Five mutations were found in humans that increase the severity of coronavirus infection and the likelihood of death of patients.
06.07.2020Biologist Vadim Gladyshev – about increasing life expectancy, mechanisms of body protection and rejuvenation of the body.
06.07.2020Mice susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 were born in the vivarium of the Federal Research Center "Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS".
06.07.2020There are only a few research centers and laboratories in Russia where orphan diseases and gene pathologies are studied.
03.07.2020Alt-Steak, a vegan food product from the company Redefine Meat, claims to be really similar to steak.
03.07.2020The widespread introduction of the technique will be a turning point for millions of patients with liver diseases.
03.07.2020The new antiretroviral drug proved to be safe, effective and remained in the blood for six months.
03.07.2020New research has shown that the special internal environment of the body of naked diggers does not allow cancer to develop.
03.07.2020Scientists have been looking for the most elusive vaccine on the planet – from the human immunodeficiency virus – for almost forty years, and still have not found it.
03.07.2020The synthetic cytokine bypasses the cancer "jamming signal" and helps the immune system fight tumors.
02.07.2020Activation of one of the membrane receptors in old mice reduced their fat mass and increased muscle mass.
02.07.2020The glowing dye will help doctors see if there are any diseased cells left in the patient's body after the operation.
02.07.2020Scientists suggest applying a liquid gel created by them to the inflamed eye instead of a donor cornea transplant operation.
02.07.2020Scientists at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry have developed four variants of test systems for detecting antibodies against coronavirus.
02.07.2020You can write to the editor at:
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