An engagement ring is not a simple decoration. And DNA is nanotechnological :)
The bride appreciated the wedding rings made of DNA with a diameter of 18 nanometers: the bride and groom worked in the same laboratory.
14.04.2011The bride appreciated the wedding rings made of DNA with a diameter of 18 nanometers: the bride and groom worked in the same laboratory.
14.04.2011At the exhibition "Life. Science version" science art, in which art and the latest scientific developments are woven together, has proved to be a very effective way to popularize science.
13.04.2011Can charities act more effectively in the field of healthcare, or will their amateur efforts always be short-sighted, fixing only today's problems and not considering real threats?
13.04.2011With the help of genetic engineering, no more than twenty induced pluripotent stem cells can be obtained from one hundred thousand adult cells. The use of microRNAs allowed to increase this figure to about 10,000.
13.04.2011Deciphering the mechanism of the relationship between tumor and immune processes will help not only to facilitate the treatment of cancer, but also to understand the nature and ways to combat autoimmune inflammation.
13.04.2011Scientists at the Scripps Research Institute have discovered a key regulator of fat cell formation. This protein molecule may become the target of more effective drugs for the treatment of obesity and diabetes.
13.04.2011Despite all the financial difficulties and legal difficulties, the implementation of the Russian lactoferrin project is not a hopeless thing.
13.04.2011Innovations in all spheres of life are now being introduced more actively than corn under Khrushchev, with approximately the same effect and the same enthusiasm of the population.
13.04.2011So far, only four genes associated with Alzheimer's disease have been known. A group of scientists from 44 universities in the USA and Canada has discovered five new genes that affect the occurrence of this incurable disease.
13.04.2011There is no doubt that the herpes virus is involved in the processes leading to the development of senile dementia. It is necessary to determine whether drugs for the treatment of herpes can slow down or prevent Alzheimer's disease.
11.04.2011Additional lecithins and choline, coming together with biologically active food additives, can be the cause of cardiovascular diseases.
11.04.2011In 2010, pharmaceutical companies in the top 10 of the R&D budget rating invested a record-breaking amount in the development of innovative medicines: $ 67.4 billion.
11.04.2011Japanese researchers have reproduced the development of the eye outside of a living organism. The culture of embryonic cells formed a three–dimensional structure - an eye glass, one of the last stages of eye development in mammalian embryos.
08.04.2011So far, young innovative companies occupy a negligible share in the Russian pharmaceutical market. And, alas, there are enough factors that can freeze the innovative trend in the domestic pharmaceutical industry.
08.04.2011Recombinant parathyroid hormone of bears may be an effective means of prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
08.04.2011The conference "How to become a RUSNANO supplier" will be held at the office of the same-named JSC on May 25, 2011. Participation in the conference is free of charge.
08.04.2011The Ernst Schering Foundation provides scholarships for dissertation research (postgraduate scholarship) in biology, chemistry, medicine and in interdisciplinary fields – in biochemistry and bioinformatics.
08.04.2011Hemorrhoids – hypertrophy of the cavernous veins of the rectal plexus of the rectum – is the most common proctological disease. Before reading the article, we advise the faint of heart to disable the display of drawings.
07.04.2011Millie provides intimate services for money, and there would be nothing special about it if it weren't for the age of the "night butterfly" – last year she turned 96 years old.
07.04.2011Handbook on scholarships and grants provided to Russian students by the European Union and EU Member States in 2011-2012.
07.04.2011You can write to the editor at:
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