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The new global DNA database was named GeneRosity Registry, from the English “gene” and “generosity” – generosity. Do you want to help researchers?
13.03.2018The new global DNA database was named GeneRosity Registry, from the English “gene” and “generosity” – generosity. Do you want to help researchers?
13.03.2018A polygenic Alzheimer's risk assessment scale has now been developed for younger patients.
12.03.2018The genes of synesthetes were compared with the genes of their relatives who "do not see" sounds, and people who are not related to this study – the control group.
07.03.2018On February 28, Microsoft announced the opening of access to the Microsoft Genomics service, which was the result of Microsoft's work in this important area.
02.03.2018Geneticists have "grown" a record-breaking large family tree, uniting approximately 13 million inhabitants of different continents.
02.03.2018It is possible that soon every person at birth will receive a genetic map with a prognosis of the risk of developing diseases.
01.03.2018The patterns found in the database of human DNA mutations turned out to be applicable to the genes of cows and other animals.
27.02.2018The chance of getting an allele variant of the gene that increases the risk of early ovarian cancer from the father is twice as high as from the mother.
20.02.2018The restoration of ribosomal RNA genes lost during division provides eternal youth to sperm stem cells.
19.02.2018Changes in the activity of genes in the cells of the body's tissues can be used to determine the time of death.
15.02.2018Analyses of the same DNA, conducted by four different companies, gave results that were not similar to each other.
12.02.2018How genetics affects success in competitions and whether it is possible to choose the optimal sport according to a genetic test.
12.02.2018The molecular mechanism found in bats may be useful for the development of methods for maintaining the health of the elderly.
08.02.2018According to the results of studies of the skeleton from Gough's cave, it turned out that the first person in Britain was blue-eyed and dark-skinned.
07.02.2018Researchers from the Weizmann Institute have found 10 more sets of bacterial genes with a similar function.
07.02.2018Creating a new tool for more precise genome editing will allow you to completely remove defective genes and avoid mutations.
07.02.2018Molecular biologists have linked together several strange stories that have not become clearer from this.
06.02.2018The increased activity of proteins that lengthen telomeres is associated with accelerated aging, and not its slowdown, as previously thought.
05.02.2018Evidence of "aging" of genes in the form of accumulation of mutations in cells occurring in old age has been found.
05.02.2018The aggressiveness of pancreatic cancer is associated with the duplication of the mutant KRAS gene or other oncogenes.
31.01.2018You can write to the editor at:
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