Give me two!
Australian scientists have found the most likely explanation for why women live longer than men.
04.03.2020Australian scientists have found the most likely explanation for why women live longer than men.
04.03.2020Employees of the Chinese company BGI Group were able to overcome an important milestone and reduce the cost of sequencing the human genome to $100.
27.02.2020Blocking these genes in older mice somewhat prolongs their life, and, more importantly, slows down their cognitive aging.
27.02.2020Malignant cells act on nearby nerve fibers, changing them to their advantage.
25.02.2020The introduction of the glucocerebrosidase gene into the cells of the intestinal wall can be a good way to treat Parkinson's disease in the early stages.
19.02.2020Genes resulting from mutations of "junk" DNA can be very useful and give their carriers important evolutionary advantages.
18.02.2020Both male and female mice became infertile if the meiosin gene discovered by Japanese scientists was artificially turned off.
10.02.2020Analysis of non-coding DNA will help to identify cancers that are difficult to detect now, and decades earlier than existing methods.
07.02.2020To disable the active genes of the "extra" X chromosome in female mammals, the regulatory protein SPEN is required.
07.02.2020The diseases they cause are usually easy, but children and the elderly are at risk of developing complications.
06.02.2020Several variations in the structure of genes associated with Alzheimer's disease reduce the likelihood of developing this disease.
06.02.2020The non-invasive technique combines harmlessness for the unborn child and accuracy that such tests could not show before.
05.02.2020A mutation affecting the process of RNA splicing can create conditions for dangerous blood cancers.
05.02.2020DNA fragments characteristic of Homo neanderthalensis were found in representatives of African tribes, although they had not been found there before.
04.02.2020AKAP8 protein suppresses breast cancer metastasis by stimulating the synthesis of "good" forms of the other two proteins.
30.01.2020The new method will help to find the most aggressive tumor cells most responsible for its growth, metastases and resistance to treatment.
27.01.2020With the help of a new method of DNA analysis, it is possible to find new types of disorders that are not determined by standard technologies.
27.01.2020The activity of genes in human spermatozoa allows them to repair DNA before passing it on to the next generation.
27.01.2020Studying the genomes of thousands of healthy elderly people has the potential to more accurately predict disease-related gene variants.
24.01.2020A group of scientists from China and the United States has discovered a mechanism by which RNAs can control the process of DNA transcription.
24.01.2020You can write to the editor at:
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