The sense generator broke down
Strategy-2035 is a "road map" of scientific and technological development of the country. Where did we come to two years later?
10.12.2018Strategy-2035 is a "road map" of scientific and technological development of the country. Where did we come to two years later?
10.12.2018The main task is to connect education, engineering, defense, medicine of the country to world science.
25.10.2018The award ceremony of the National Award "Venture Investor – 2018" was held within the framework of the Open Innovations Forum.
15.10.2018"We expect to enter the top five scientific powers in five years," said the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia.
11.10.2018Russia ranks 46th in it and fourth among the former countries of the Union, behind Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine.
11.07.2018Successful examples of the use of telemedicine exist. But they all work only when specialists are sitting at the TV monitor on both sides.
26.06.2018A business session "Life Science 2030: A New Era of Biotechnology" was held at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
28.05.2018Employees of the Center for Systemic Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Skoltech – about their research.
28.03.2018Roman Kulikov – about the state of technology in Russia, the evolution of the selection of organisms and a mixture of biology, mathematics and IT.
25.12.2017Tomsk Polytechnic University has started commercial deliveries of phosphoric acid based on phosphorus-32.
06.12.2017Alexander Karabelsky from Biocad company – about how we can keep up with the progress in gene therapy and gene editing.
05.12.2017The authors of the three most interesting works will have the opportunity to visit one of the largest innovation clusters in Europe.
04.12.2017The winners of the National Award "Venture Investor-2017" were announced in Moscow within the framework of the International Forum "Open Innovations".
20.10.2017The First International Medical Investment Forum was held at the Congress Center of the First Moscow State Medical University.
10.10.2017Academician Viktor Tutelyan – about whether Russian biotechnology has chances not to completely lag behind the Western countries and China.
26.09.2017The Biomedtech Job Fair allowed companies working in the field of biomedical technologies and job seekers to get to know each other.
26.09.2017St. Petersburg University hosted the first biobanking school in Russia, which was attended by doctors and biologists from all over the country.
21.09.2017Dmitry Morozov – about innovations, the fight against aging, a new program to support the pharmaceutical industry and the company's plans in the Middle East.
21.09.2017The unique data warehouse contains more than 600 billion molecules, which were obtained from 1,758 donors. The project has been implemented by the biotech company BIOCAD since 2014.
25.08.2017Korea is the first foreign market where ExoaThlet launches sales. The next stage will be certification in China, Japan, Singapore.
07.07.2017You can write to the editor at:
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