Teach the epigenome!
Decoding the epigenome not only helps to better understand how genetic and oncological diseases develop, it will also help to develop strategies for the treatment of such pathologies.
01.06.2012Decoding the epigenome not only helps to better understand how genetic and oncological diseases develop, it will also help to develop strategies for the treatment of such pathologies.
01.06.2012Transplantation is an extreme measure: taking into account the complications and expensive medications that the recipient is forced to take all his life, it is used in hopeless patients who face death without a transplant.
31.05.2012The method of sequencing extracellular cancer DNA can revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of cancer: a blood test is much safer and cheaper than surgery or biopsy.
31.05.2012The hospital insurance funds will inform their clients over the age of 16 about the problem of organ transplantation every two years and ask them to write a statement stating that in the event of their death they agree to donate their own organs to a person in need of transplantation.
31.05.2012Wireless graphene sensors fixed to the skin or teeth will be able to detect the presence of not only bacteria (even one bacterium), but also toxins, explosive molecules and even distinguish odors.
31.05.2012The Laboratory of Supercomputer Technologies for Biomedicine, Pharmacology and Small-sized Structures I-SCALARE presented new research results in the field of bioinformatics and drug modeling.
31.05.2012Biosensors of a new type are able to detect trace amounts of various substances in liquids in a very short time.
30.05.2012The first meeting within the framework of the Scientific Cafe project, which brought together more than 150 young specialists and leading students of Moscow universities, was devoted to biomedicine.
30.05.2012The drug based on the pro-inflammatory enzyme plasminogen is able to initiate and accelerate the healing of wounds and diabetic ulcers.
29.05.2012Vera Gorbunova and Andrey Seluyanov study the processes of aging and cancer development on human and rodent tissues. Their laboratory stands out because it is closely engaged in a naked digger.
29.05.2012Researchers from New York University have shown that the AUF1 protein slows down the aging process by activating telomerase synthesis.
28.05.2012The good news for diabetics is that instead of piercing your finger once a day, you can evaluate the glucose concentration by changing the color of your contact lenses at least every hour.
28.05.2012The reason for the loss of active stem cells in the aging process is changes in their microenvironment. This discovery can increase the effectiveness of regenerative medicine and the treatment of age-related diseases.
28.05.2012The nanofluidic device sorts one molecule of methylated DNA in one cycle of operation – more than 500 molecules per minute.
28.05.2012References to the article R.Calado and N.Young Telomeres in disease.
25.05.2012Given that telomeres limit the limit of proliferative capabilities of cells, the mechanisms of their elongation are a very promising tool for regenerative medicine.
25.05.2012Simple but attractive arguments concerning the relationship between telomere length and aging should today be viewed with a certain degree of skepticism as contradictory, simplistic and potentially dangerous.
25.05.2012There is a lot of evidence that telomere shortening is associated with the development of cancer and may be a causal factor in the development of a number of oncological diseases.
25.05.2012The classic "telomere disease" is congenital dyskeratosis, a rare hereditary disease characterized by defective bone marrow function. Most adult telomeropathies are the result of mutations that are more likely to be risk factors.
25.05.2012The review examines the mechanisms of the development of diseases associated with telomere defects, the potential role of telomere elongation in the treatment of diseases, as well as in preventing the start of the aging process or its reversal.
25.05.2012You can write to the editor at:
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