Internship in Japan
The Matsumae International Foundation announces a 2015-2016 scholarship competition for specialists with a PhD (or equivalent) degree in natural sciences, engineering and medicine.
20.06.2014The Matsumae International Foundation announces a 2015-2016 scholarship competition for specialists with a PhD (or equivalent) degree in natural sciences, engineering and medicine.
20.06.2014The search for molecular markers that allow you to tell how old you and your cells are without looking at the passport can be interesting from many points of view: from the diagnosis of diseases to the search for criminals and the study of the aging process itself.
19.06.2014Folk healers, herbalists and other similar collections convince: natural means safe. However, herbs can also pose a threat to health. Including the most popular ones.
19.06.2014At first, he will be able to accept only twenty guests into his walls. However, if the experiment is considered successful, their number may increase.
19.06.2014Another discovery of British scientists (TM): "Doctors forbid washing chicken", "Washing chicken meat is often the cause of food poisoning" and, to completely confuse readers, "Washing raw chicken meat is deadly."..
19.06.2014Sunscreens protect only from burns and mild forms of skin cancer, but not from melanoma. Moreover, applying sunscreen to the skin is recognized as the most ineffective way to prevent cancer.
19.06.2014For decades, when treating patients with high blood pressure, it has been customary to adhere to the principle "the lower the better". However, new data refute the established belief.
19.06.2014There is no such mutation in the genome of Europeans, but it occurs in 23% of Greenlanders. 60% of individuals over the age of 40 who inherited a certain variant of the TBC1D4 gene from both parents suffer from type 2 diabetes mellitus.
19.06.2014Scientists at the Vale Medical College in Qatar have compiled a map of the metabolism of the human body, revealing the work of metabolism as a system and possible ways to change it for the treatment of diseases.
19.06.2014Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids and their metabolic products inhibit the formation of new vessels in the eye membrane characteristic of macular degeneration, as well as the release of fluid from the vessels into the surrounding tissues.
18.06.2014Biologist Anton Buzdin – about cancer cells, genome rearrangement in oncological diseases, personalized medicine and the use of targeted drugs in the treatment of cancer.
18.06.2014The Court of Justice of the European Union is considering a case that could lead to employers being obliged to treat the obesity of their employees as a disability.
18.06.2014The International Congress on Active Longevity and Quality of Life Medicine will be held on September 30, 2014. The Congress is included in the scientific program of the Mediterranean Forum on Aesthetic and Anti-age Medicine (Spain, Costa Brava).
18.06.2014Genetically modified bananas enriched with provitamin A will undergo a clinical trial in the USA.
17.06.2014Oxytocin, a hormone responsible for maternal instinct, social attachment, uterine contractions during childbirth and sexual arousal, is necessary to maintain healthy and youthful muscle tissue.
17.06.2014Forty-five-year-old Nikola lost a little more than 18 kilograms after a hypnotist "hammered" into the memory of an obese patient the idea that she allegedly had bariatric surgery to tighten her stomach.
17.06.2014For the first time in the history of computing, a computer program has passed the Turing test, convincing a significant number of people that it is a thinking person.
17.06.2014A suit with motion sensors sewn into the fabric will help relieve professional riders from lower back pain. The innovative suit will find application in any sections of sports medicine, as well as in orthopedics and rehabilitation.
17.06.2014The latest version of the bionic pancreas has successfully passed two five–day clinical trials, one of which involved adult patients, and the other - adolescents with type 1 diabetes.
16.06.2014DNA vaccination attempts are fairly standard, started 25 years ago and have been practically abandoned by today, because it turned out that the immune response to DNA vaccines is rather weak and short-term.
16.06.2014You can write to the editor at:
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