Watch out for folates!
It is useful for elderly people to regularly monitor and, if necessary, adjust the level of folic acid in the blood.
24.03.2022It is useful for elderly people to regularly monitor and, if necessary, adjust the level of folic acid in the blood.
24.03.2022The worm-on-a–chip device is a potential non-invasive tool for diagnosing lung cancer at an early stage.
23.03.2022The virus never completely disappears from the body. Instead, it hides in about one in a million immune cells.
23.03.2022A man with the syndrome of a "completely locked person" was able to add words and phrases at a speed of about one character per minute.
23.03.2022In 2020, clinical studies were launched to study the effects of the ketogenic diet in patients with pancreatic tumors.
23.03.2022Two new bacteriophages can be used to treat enterococcal nosocomial infections.
22.03.2022Melatonin is able to significantly reduce the damaging effect of ionizing radiation.
22.03.2022Japanese scientists have discovered a small group of neurons that is crucial for the psychological state.
22.03.2022Hybrid proteins, including a luminescent label, can be used to diagnose cancer using enzyme immunoassay.
22.03.2022Scientists have identified a protein that plays a key role in the properties and development of muscle stem cells.
22.03.2022Bronchial organoids can be used to diagnose pathologies of the respiratory system, drug development and basic research.
21.03.2022The needs of the global pharmaceutical industry in steroids exceed 1,500 tons per year. The market of medicines produced from them is second only to antibiotics.
21.03.2022Bacteria covered with a special shell are able to find cancerous tumors and, multiplying in them, produce antitumor toxins.
21.03.2022Scientists from Yale University have developed an antibody that opens one of the receptors in the blood-brain barrier.
21.03.2022Lymphoid follicles grown on a microfluidic chip demonstrate human immune functions and in vitro vaccine response.
18.03.2022Senolytic drugs with oral administration increase the expression of the "youth protein" α-Klotho in mice and humans.
18.03.2022Skin biopsy makes it possible to distinguish Parkinson's disease from similar conditions with atypical Parkinsonism at an early stage.
18.03.2022Excessive daytime sleep, as it turned out, can lead to the progression of senile dementia.
18.03.2022An international group of scientists obtained pluripotent stem cells from the skin fibroblasts of the northern white rhinoceros in the naive stage.
17.03.2022Oxitec has tested a gene drive technology to combat corn leaf scoops — dangerous pests of agriculture.
17.03.2022You can write to the editor at:
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