It's good to have a house in the village
The more microbiota in household dust resembles rural dust in composition, the lower the risk of developing asthma in a child.
19.06.2019The more microbiota in household dust resembles rural dust in composition, the lower the risk of developing asthma in a child.
19.06.2019The participant of the Global Forum on Nicotine, American researcher Saul Shifman, has refuted myths about the dangers of electronic cigarettes.
In the USA, after fecal transplantation, two people developed serious bacterial infections, one of them died.
17.06.2019Vaccination can protect against the human papillomavirus. But there is a myth that the vaccine causes infertility.
11.06.2019The authors of the meta-analysis found no evidence that eating breakfast leads to weight loss, and skipping it leads to gaining kilograms.
10.06.2019A non-drinking man developed severe alcoholic hepatitis as a result of taking a homeopathic drug.
04.06.2019Measles erases the immune system's memory of infections carried by the body and makes people vulnerable to other dangerous viruses and bacteria.
03.06.2019In a large-scale study, scientists did not find a link between working the night shift and the risk of developing breast cancer.
03.06.2019According to a new study, patients who have suffered a hemorrhagic stroke can take low doses of aspirin.
28.05.2019Doctors do not like to discuss the mistakes of their colleagues with patients. But when this happens, such discussions provoke a lively response.
24.05.2019The more years a person has spent on training, the lower his personal risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
24.05.2019Moderate cholesterol intake (520 mg per day) it is not associated with an increased risk of stroke.
22.05.2019Recently, nutrition experts have been increasingly concerned about so-called ultra-processed foods.
20.05.2019Insomnia worsens mood, attention and concentration, but especially strongly affects memory.
17.05.2019Interventions to enlarge the penis are ineffective and often lead to complications of varying severity.
14.05.2019Scientists have linked stress at work and poor sleep with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
30.04.2019People who often suffered from caries and other dental problems in childhood are almost twice as likely to become victims of atherosclerosis.
29.04.2019The higher the percentage of fat in the body, the smaller the volume of gray matter in the brain, and in men the connection is stronger than in women.
25.04.2019Monkeys who were on the Western diet gained twice as much weight as on the Mediterranean diet.
24.04.2019Most methods of "alternative medicine" are more likely to harm cancer patients than help.
18.04.2019You can write to the editor at:
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