The best probiotic
Exercise and a rational diet increase the diversity of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.
11.06.2014Exercise and a rational diet increase the diversity of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.
11.06.2014Dysbiosis is not an independent disease, it is a symptom. First of all, it is necessary to find and treat the cause of intestinal microflora disorders, and not to believe advertising nonsense about the benefits of yoghurts and capsules with beneficial bacteria.
09.06.2014The technology of the "Mobile Diagnostic Device" will allow you to monitor the state of health and automatically diagnose certain diseases.
09.06.2014A lack of an immune response is very bad, and an example of this is immunodeficiency, but excess is not a protection factor, but a pathogenesis factor.
03.06.2014Women who have mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, and those who have had cases of breast cancer in their family, are recommended to have a double mastextomy. However, only 10% of all patients with such a diagnosis fall into this category.
26.05.2014In recent decades, people have begun to travel abroad so often that a new medical direction has even appeared – travel medicine. In this guide, we will tell you what vaccinations to give tourists, what to put in the first aid kit and how to avoid exotic diseases.
23.05.2014The combination of unsaturated fats with nitrite- and nitrate-rich vegetables is able to lower blood pressure due to the formation of nitroacids, which suppress pathological processes in the body.
21.05.2014According to experts from the International Federation against Obesity and the International Organization for Consumer Protection, the food industry should be regulated in the same way as the tobacco industry.
20.05.2014The controversial benefits of mammography, breast cancer in men, genes and preventive mastectomy, contraception and early pregnancy and rumors about the dangers of antiperspirants, phones, bras, implants and bruises.
19.05.2014Every year, more people die from venous thromboembolism than from AIDS, breast and prostate cancer and car accidents combined. But recently, doctors have learned to prevent this life-threatening situation.
13.05.2014Reducing the impact of six managed risk factors to the levels assumed by WHO within 15 years can prevent more than 37 million deaths.
08.05.2014The main theme of this year's Men's Health Week will be... male bravery. After all, it is often the avoidance of problems and the fear of discussing them even with a doctor that becomes the main reason for the destruction of family relationships.
08.05.2014The new WHO report provides the most comprehensive picture of antibiotic resistance to date, taking into account data from 114 countries.
07.05.2014The capsule for oral use, vibrating when moving through the digestive tract, has shown promising results as a non-pharmacological agent for the treatment of chronic constipation.
06.05.2014You can live for 20-30 years longer thanks to the simplest rules. How? Let's ask the experts.
25.04.2014A daily nap lasting more than an hour is associated with a 32% increased risk of premature death.
24.04.2014There is no reason to believe that fruits and vegetables protect against cancer, and fatty foods contribute to it. Only two correlations can be considered firmly established: cancer and smoking, cancer and obesity. It is dangerous not to eat fat, but to be fat.
22.04.2014Israeli scientists have created shoes on wheels, somewhat resembling roller skates, which will help people avoid falls and fractures. These shoes will be especially useful for the elderly.
15.04.2014Diarrhea is not the only consequence of non–compliance with hygiene rules by bathers. When sweat and urine come into contact with reagents used to disinfect swimming pools, dangerous toxic substances are formed.
08.04.2014Despite the fact that the concept of dementia (acquired dementia) is strongly associated with elderly people, cognitive decline can also affect younger people (up to 65, and sometimes up to 40 years).
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