Scientists have named countries where people lose more years of life due to dirty air
Scientists have named countries where people lose more years of life due to dirty air
31.08.2023Scientists have named countries where people lose more years of life due to dirty air
31.08.2023The speech of the Vice-President of the Skolkovo Foundation Kirill Kaem at the meeting of the Federation Council was devoted to the topic "Innovative trends in healthcare technologies".
21.04.2016The levels of the biomarker of cognitive aging and Alzheimer's disease – the protein ADNP (activity-dependent neuroprotective protein) – can be easily tracked using a routine blood test.
16.02.2016Japanese scientists claim that artificial ears can be grown to order and transplanted to a person in the next five years. They recently grew a human auricle on the back of a rat.
28.01.2016Drugs that inhibit the enzyme histone deacetylase reduce the area of damage, i.e. the area of the heart muscle that has died as a result of the cessation of blood supply, by more than half. Moreover, the effect persists even when they are administered an hour after the onset of a heart attack.
14.07.2008Representatives of high-tech business, young scientists, representatives of development institutes, innovation support infrastructure organizations, students of specialized universities gathered in the biotechnopark.
02.10.2015The top ten highest-paid jobs included six vacancies related to healthcare. The top three are surgeons, general practitioners and psychiatrists.
31.08.2015By controlling the level of the AID enzyme, microRNA-155 regulates the fight of the immune system against microbes, while preventing the formation of very aggressive malignant diseases: leukemia and B-cell lymphomas.
16.06.2008As a result of the selection of the optimal shape of the surface and the parameters of electrical stimulation, the rate of formation of cartilage tissue based on the new nanofilm was increased by more than three times.
06.06.2008The cause of death of the 76-year-old Frenchman, who lived 2.5 months after Carmat artificial heart transplantation, was a short circuit in the mechanism.
18.03.2014To determine the main vital functions of the body, including temperature, heart rate and rhythm, blood oxygen level and stress level, it is enough to hold a miniature Scout scanner at the forehead for a few seconds.
27.05.2013The new version of ReMISSION consists of six games designed for psychological assistance to young people suffering from cancer, who have a high risk of an unfavorable outcome.
08.05.2013Selecta (RUS), the Russian division of the Rusnano portfolio company Selecta Biosciences, Inc., synthesized the first batch of tSVP nanoparticles with an active component of an anti-nicotine vaccine.
14.03.2013The planned amount of funding for the creation of the Skolkovo center remains unchanged – 85 billion rubles from 2010 to 2015.
27.08.2012Google founder Sergey Brin, who inherited a mutation from his mother that significantly increases the risk of developing Parkinson's disease, decided to stimulate the search for new drugs for the treatment of Parkinsonism.
16.05.2012After the next replenishment, the total number of participants of the Skolkovo Innograd is 304. 91 of them are residents of the biomedical technologies cluster.
20.12.2011A new method for estimating the number of DNA and RNA molecules can increase the accuracy of modern technologies for reading and copying nucleic acids.
22.11.2011The number of stem cell transplants in Russia does not exceed 560 per year, while only among patients with tumors of the hematopoietic system from 7-10 thousand patients need them.
16.03.2011Amendments to the Tax Code allow all innovative small enterprises to use a simplified taxation system, stimulating the creation of such enterprises by budgetary scientific and educational institutions.
25.11.2010According to a study published in the BMJ, 67% of men and 40% of women aged 65-74 have had sex in the last 12 months, and in 75-85 years – more than a third of men and only 17% of women.
19.04.2010You can write to the editor at:
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