Will broad-spectrum antibodies help to defeat HIV?
The PG9 and PG16 antibodies bind to one of the most stable structures of the immunodeficiency virus envelope, gp120 glycoprotein, and neutralize more than 75% of HIV strains.
04.09.2009The PG9 and PG16 antibodies bind to one of the most stable structures of the immunodeficiency virus envelope, gp120 glycoprotein, and neutralize more than 75% of HIV strains.
04.09.2009The drug losartan, used to lower blood pressure, blocks a gene whose expression in breast cancer is 20 times higher than normal.
02.06.2009The sperm donor agreed to fertilize no more than five women, but in fact he had at least 17 children.
03.10.2019The version of the Neanderthal genome obtained by German researchers is rough: each of the three billion nucleotides that make up it is read on average once.
05.02.2009The Minister of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China called for the continuation of work on editing human genes.
12.03.2019The vaccine, which protects against nine of the most dangerous strains from the point of view of cancer development, is approved for use in people under 45 years of age.
08.10.2018Financial difficulties increase the risk of heart attack by 13 times, and stress at work – by 5.6 times.
13.11.2017Those who rated the competence of their superiors low had a 25% higher chance of heart disease. For those who worked with bad bosses for four years or more, this figure was 64%.
25.11.2008The biochip developed at NEFU allows you to get results in four hours for five hereditary diseases, the most common among the Yakut ethnic group.
12.04.2017NPO Microgen has started phase I clinical trials of the first domestic polyvalent vaccine containing two serotypes of the meningococcal virus.
29.03.2017Healthy lifestyle significantly reduces the chances of developing heart disease in people who are genetically predisposed to such diseases, scientists from the United States and Sweden have found.
16.11.2016Intellectual load creates a certain mental reserve in the brain, partially compensating for organic brain damage.
22.10.2008Researchers have developed a new insulin formulation using nanoparticles that self-regulate depending on blood glucose levels
23.05.2023It is possible that the micro-RNA molecules that are responsible for the regeneration of the lizard's tail will help a person restore cartilage, muscles and spine in the future.
12.05.2016Previously, the Argus II implant was transplanted only to patients suffering from retinitis pigmentosa, a rare degenerative eye disease.
22.07.2015About 200 participants gathered for the first All-Russian symposium "The latest methods of cellular technologies in medicine", which opened in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.
04.09.2014Prenatal screening studies, which are used to detect chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, reveal no more than half of such anomalies. At the same time, these studies are associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and infant mortality.
03.06.2008In Russia, there are 463 HIV-infected people for every 100,000 population. Today, less than a third of HIV-infected Russians receive antiretroviral therapy.
13.05.2014The Internal Security Service of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation found violations committed during the execution of the state contract for the purchase of kits for collecting genomic information from convicts and transferred the materials to the investigative authorities to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case.
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