Take care of the health of the elderly
Giving way to elderly people in transport, we actually harm their health, according to a group of British scientists.
20.10.2017Giving way to elderly people in transport, we actually harm their health, according to a group of British scientists.
20.10.2017On the "caffeine day", the average daily blood sugar level of patients increased by 8% compared to the average daily value in the absence of caffeine. Caffeine also aggravated the increase in glucose levels after eating.
29.01.2008Researchers from the University of Rochester have concluded that age-related muscle atrophy can be managed by maintaining the existence of muscle stem cells.
07.06.2017In most cases, in patients with schizophrenia, the disease returns after treatment. However, repeated symptoms can be alleviated with large doses of B vitamins.
27.02.2017An experimental Ebola vaccine tested in African Guinea has shown almost 100% effectiveness, the WHO said.
23.12.2016A group of immunologists led by Lucy Dorell from Oxford University has developed a combined vaccine against hepatitis C virus and HIV.
15.04.2016Japanese scientists claim that artificial ears can be grown to order and transplanted to a person in the next five years. They recently grew a human auricle on the back of a rat.
28.01.2016Drugs that inhibit the enzyme histone deacetylase reduce the area of damage, i.e. the area of the heart muscle that has died as a result of the cessation of blood supply, by more than half. Moreover, the effect persists even when they are administered an hour after the onset of a heart attack.
14.07.2008The top ten highest-paid jobs included six vacancies related to healthcare. The top three are surgeons, general practitioners and psychiatrists.
31.08.2015This and many other equally disappointing things were reported at the conference "Strategy of demographic Development of Russia" by the head of the Expert Council on Family policy under the Government of the Russian Federation Evgeny Yuryev.
21.06.2013The corresponding law was signed by Governor P. Shumlin. According to the text of the document, a terminally ill person, in order to get the dose of the drug necessary for euthanasia, must undergo a psychiatric examination, and also provide the conclusion of two specialized specialists.
22.05.2013The new version of ReMISSION consists of six games designed for psychological assistance to young people suffering from cancer, who have a high risk of an unfavorable outcome.
08.05.2013The vaccine developed in Novosibirsk "Vector" stimulates both cellular immunity against HIV and humoral (antibody production).
06.02.2012The new method of diagnosing Alzheimer's disease is based on the fact that the retina is, in fact, an extension of the brain and is subject to the same changes.
15.01.2010The development of diagnostic chewing gum became possible thanks to the discovery of scientists who found three proteins specific to the causative agent of this infection in the saliva of malaria patients.
17.12.2009A new biodegradable dressing material for burn patients mimics the functions of the skin, and an antibiotic injected into the tissue fibers suppresses the development of infection.
23.11.2009Changes in the gene responsible for the enzyme ME1 can increase the body's tolerance of alcohol. In any case, fruit flies with certain single changes in the genome get drunk later than less successful winged wares.
23.10.2009It is too early to talk about transferring the results to medicine, but scientists will be able to better understand the nature of heart aging in the near future.
13.10.2009All the crystal structures created so far from DNA were two-dimensional. The authors of the new work managed to turn flat triangles into three-dimensional structures up to 1 mm in size.
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