Dr. Watson 's personal bests
The world's oldest practitioner recently celebrated his centenary, took 18 thousand births in 60 years of work and does not think to end his career.
26.05.2010The world's oldest practitioner recently celebrated his centenary, took 18 thousand births in 60 years of work and does not think to end his career.
26.05.2010Financial assistance on a competitive basis will be provided to companies developing innovative medicines, medical equipment and diagnostic tools with a staff of less than 250 people.
25.05.2010The method of selection of spermatozoa with a high index of DNA integrity makes it possible to increase the success of in vitro fertilization and reduce the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities in offspring.
24.05.2010According to experts, with the modern development of genetic diagnostics, the results of genetic testing will not be accurate enough and may be misinterpreted by the buyer.
11.05.2010A drug that blocks T-lymphocyte receptors that recognize "bad" cholesterol slows down the development of atherosclerosis by 60-70%.
11.05.2010In 2009, the global biotechnology industry turned a profit for the first time in the history of its development.
06.05.2010Doctors still don't fully understand how Alzheimer's disease develops. There is no consensus even on whether amyloid plaques are the cause of the disease or its symptom. And none of the methods of preventing Alzheimer's disease could be confirmed experimentally…
05.05.2010After watching comedies, the level of ghrelin ("hunger hormone") increased, and leptin ("satiety hormone") decreased significantly, as if the subjects had received a certain physical load before.
05.05.2010The decrease in the volume of gray matter of the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain with age is more pronounced in individuals prone to neurotic disorders. What is the cause and what is the effect?
04.05.2010Another confirmation that Alzheimer's disease is caused by beta-amyloid oligomers, and not the infamous amyloid plaques.
04.05.2010A low-calorie diet improves the protective functions of the human immune system after six months and reduces the tendency to allergic reactions.
04.05.2010The high level of phosphates in finished products, especially those offered in fast food eateries, accelerates the aging process.
04.05.2010A point mutation in the COMT gene slows down the age-related decline of thinking abilities. Elderly people with a variant of the gene, in which one of the amino acids in the corresponding enzyme is replaced with methionine by valine, performed tests 33-45% better than the owners of the "methionine" variant.
04.05.2010It was possible to rejuvenate fibroblasts by activating the nrf2 protein, the main transcription factor regulating the cellular antioxidant response, as well as some proteasome subunits.
29.04.2010The closing ceremony and awarding of the winners of the IV All-Russian Internet Olympiad in Nanotechnology took place in the Assembly Hall of the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University.
28.04.2010The project provides for the creation of unique diagnostic devices that can detect disorders of the blood coagulation system.
28.04.2010The data obtained indicate the hybridization of humans with some extinct species, for example, Neanderthals or Heidelberg man.
21.04.2010A third of Americans are carriers of the "bad" variant of the FTO gene, the owners of which are more at risk of getting both obesity and senile dementia than the owners of the "normal" variant of this gene.
21.04.2010The most promising use of nanoporous polyethylene in the manufacture of hip prostheses. In the next two years, with the availability of funding, it is possible to organize the production and start of the use of endoprostheses in maxillofacial surgery.
20.04.2010According to a study published in the BMJ, 67% of men and 40% of women aged 65-74 have had sex in the last 12 months, and in 75-85 years – more than a third of men and only 17% of women.
19.04.2010You can write to the editor at:
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