An embryo from a suitcase
In the Indian city of Mumbai, a Malaysian citizen was detained who tried to smuggle a frozen human embryo in a suitcase.
21.03.2019In the Indian city of Mumbai, a Malaysian citizen was detained who tried to smuggle a frozen human embryo in a suitcase.
21.03.2019Age-related decrease in insulin sensitivity increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The knowledge that Alzheimer's disease is a kind of diabetes of the brain may someday lead to the development of fundamentally new methods of treating this most serious disease.
04.02.2009In patients with the mutated PIK3CA gene who regularly took aspirin, the chances of five-year survival increased from 25 to 78%
29.01.2019More than 750 thousand Russians can find a job with the help of the new website of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia.
19.01.2009Daily use of small doses of aspirin significantly reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.
23.07.2018By the end of 2017, the state will receive almost 540 million rubles from Rusnano. During the existence of the corporation, this is the first case of payment of dividends.
19.07.2018Hormone therapy during menopause reduces the risk of bowel cancer.
11.01.2009Merck has announced the termination of clinical trials of verubecestat at an early stage of Alzheimer's disease.
19.02.2018However, it should be remembered that resveratrol is a potent substance with a versatile effect, which is far from being reduced to the activation of sirtuin.
27.11.2008NPO Petrovax Pharm presented the results of clinical trials of the first Russian tetravalent vaccine for the prevention of influenza.
14.09.2017Scientists of the First Moscow State Medical University in September will perform the first operation in our country on a patient with urethral stricture (narrowing of the urethra) using a cell matrix.
31.08.2017Last year, more than 21,600 DNA studies were conducted in the laboratories of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the entry into force of the law, the number of examinations will increase by 18 times. It is expected that the development of the DNA examination method will significantly increase the detection of crimes.
19.11.2008The inclusion of a dietary supplement developed by KGAU scientists in the diet contributes to accelerated growth of calves and increased dairy productivity of cows.
29.05.2017Unpaywall is an extension for the Google Chrome browser that allows you to legally and for free read scientific articles hidden behind a paywall – a "payment wall".
05.04.2017The highest award of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been awarded annually since 1959 to one Russian and one foreign scientist for outstanding work in the field of natural sciences and humanities.
06.02.2017In order for the law "On Biomedical Cell Products", which formally comes into force on January 1, 2017, to work, it is necessary to adopt almost 60 regulations.
16.12.2016Half of American doctors prescribe drugs to patients that do not affect their diseases, guided by the principle: it is better to do something than to do nothing at all.
24.10.2008American scientists have discovered a link between migraines and bacteria that live in the mouth. As it turned out, migraines can cause nitric oxide, which they produce.
21.10.2016With regular consumption of fried and high-calorie foods without vegetables and fruits, the risk of heart disease increased by 35%.
22.10.2008You can write to the editor at:
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