RUSNANO joined the fight against old age
The total budget of the project for the production of anti–aging drugs based on Skulachev ions will be up to 1.8 billion rubles, of which RUSNANO's share will be up to 710 million.
24.02.2010The total budget of the project for the production of anti–aging drugs based on Skulachev ions will be up to 1.8 billion rubles, of which RUSNANO's share will be up to 710 million.
24.02.2010However, so far at the level of individual cells of people suffering from premature aging. The transformation of their fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells lengthens their telomeres and activates telomerase.
24.02.2010There is increasing evidence in the medical literature that regular aspirin intake reduces the likelihood of developing various forms of cancer and the risk of disease progression and death in breast cancer. But the Ministry of Health warns...
19.02.2010Ultrasound waves focused on a blood clot can free a vessel from a blood clot and restore impaired blood supply. Testing of the new stroke treatment method is scheduled for the end of 2011.
19.02.2010Massage of the heart, brain and bone marrow, removal of dirty ecology from the body and much more. Call right now!
18.02.2010Based on the results of computed tomography of the mummy and data from genetic studies, scientists describe Tutankhamun as a disabled person burdened with a number of hereditary diseases. However, not all experts agree with this.
18.02.2010How to achieve active longevity, to keep up spirits, excellent health and a clear head until the last days? Do you think the gerontologist professor will tell you something new?
18.02.2010An implantable sensor designed to register neurotransmitters secreted by synapses of neurons will help to study in detail the mechanisms that provide the effect of deep brain stimulation and, possibly, increase its effectiveness.
18.02.2010The V Eastern European Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Medicines "Rare Diseases in the focus of personalized medicine" and the All-Russian Conference on Rare Diseases and Rarely Used Medical Technologies "The Road of Life".
17.02.2010All theses that have received a positive review will be published in the journal "Medical Genetics", which is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.
17.02.2010In order to synthesize proteins containing artificial amino acids that do not exist in nature in living cells, it was necessary to change the structure of ribosomes by teaching them to read codons from four nucleotides.
17.02.2010Investments in R&D of new medicines increased throughout 2009, despite the crisis, but the distribution of funds between various areas of innovative drug development has changed markedly.
17.02.2010Hundreds of human genes are involved in the development of viruses; inactivation of each of them noticeably slows down or stops the infection altogether. This information will be used to create new generations of antiviral drugs – inhibitors of certain human proteins.
16.02.2010Several of the drugs used for completely different purposes turned out to be able to prevent tissue damage resulting from a heart attack or stroke.
16.02.2010The nanomedicine market in Russia is just emerging, but, according to A. Chubais, the agreement between the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation and the Federal Biomedical Agency will make a breakthrough in innovative medicine.
15.02.2010In many cases, stuttering is blamed on psychological problems of a person, but research results indicate that the reason lies in the genes.
15.02.2010Canadian scientists have for the first time found a weak link in the chain of signal transmission between nerve cells, characteristic of Parkinson's disease. New knowledge opens up wide opportunities for the development of drugs for the treatment of Parkinsonism.
15.02.2010The concept of the National Association of Patients with Rare Diseases "Genetics": "Personalized medicine and treatment of rare diseases as a strategic direction for the development of healthcare until 2020."
15.02.2010As a result of the project, the production of effective and affordable anticancer drugs with a targeted delivery system in the form of liposomes, immunoliposomes and monoclonal antibodies will be created in Russia.
15.02.2010Russia and India are planning joint projects on biotechnology: a scientific and educational center in the field of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, a business incubator on agrobiotechnology, vaccine production, a project on the use of stem cells in ophthalmology, etc.
15.02.2010You can write to the editor at:
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