A way to "reprogram" the heart after a heart attack was found
New technique repairs damage caused by heart attack by reprogramming scar cells
30.05.2023New technique repairs damage caused by heart attack by reprogramming scar cells
30.05.2023Carriers of unfavorable gene variants located on chromosome 20, as well as on the X chromosome, have a seven-fold risk of developing baldness before the age of 50.
13.10.2008Cells isolated from menstrual blood and called "endometrial regenerative cells" restore blood flow in an animal model of progressive peripheral artery disease.
01.10.2008It is known that waste recycling has a positive effect on the state of the entire planet. A cellular version of this process may be useful in the fight against cancer. Stanford University scientists have identified a molecule that uses one of the methods of self–purification of the body – autophagy - to selectively destroy tumor cells.
16.07.2008Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries significantly increases the likelihood of myocardial infarction. When identifying people who are at risk for cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to pay attention to the calcium index of the coronary artery.
30.06.2008In Europe, expensive medicines are most often forged. In Russia, medicines are forged according to the principle of popularity – those that are in great demand are chosen.
27.06.2008The state of health of modern men has improved so much today that it is the representatives of the stronger sex who can expect to live most of their lives in the absence of serious illnesses. Previously, the chances of this were higher for women.
30.03.2015Scientists at the University of Missouri have developed a new non-toxic treatment method that effectively destroys breast cancer cells. The method consists in the introduction of a combination of a compound with a small molecular weight acting on tumor cells and an antibody selectively blocking the blood vessels of the tumor.
19.06.2008In Sweden, a patient with a transplanted uterus managed to give birth to a child for the first time in history. The boy was born prematurely, weighing 1 kg 800 grams, but doctors say that the mother and child are doing well.
06.10.2014The police of several European countries, during the operation to detain a criminal group that distributed fake Viagra, arrested 12 suspects and confiscated a batch of counterfeit drugs worth more than 10 million euros.
02.09.2014The World Health Organization reports that in 2011, two-thirds of all deaths in the world were caused by non-communicable diseases.
03.09.2013Gina Lollobrigida decided to part with her jewelry in order to finance a project to create a clinic in Italy specializing in stem cell treatment.
15.05.2013According to the Office for National Statistics of Great Britain, of the children born this year, a third will live to the 100th anniversary.
27.03.2012The official did not name the specific number of pharmaceutical cluster companies that are planned to be developed in St. Petersburg, but stressed that in any case their number will be finite.
16.03.2011The Skolkovo Foundation will invest up to 2 billion rubles in six biomedicine projects.
28.02.2011Salmonella bacteria can be turned into micro-terminators that penetrate deep into malignant tumors, where traditional chemotherapy drugs cannot penetrate. Once at the destination, the bacteria begin to synthesize compounds that destroy tumor cells.
04.03.2008The cosmetics industry, free from prejudices related to the correctness of the use of scientific terms, has long been juggling words such as "DNA", "genes", "signaling molecules", "genetic code" and others.
27.02.2008You can write to the editor at:
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