Pancreas in a metal tube
The prototype of the "biosynthetic" pancreas is a metal tube filled with insulin-producing cells and coated with a special coating, no larger than a cigarette.
07.05.2008The prototype of the "biosynthetic" pancreas is a metal tube filled with insulin-producing cells and coated with a special coating, no larger than a cigarette.
07.05.2008Russian scientists have developed a handheld device that will allow in the field to determine the presence of encephalitis and Lyme disease viruses in a tick. It may enter the market in 2014.
13.05.2013The project involves the development of new original drugs that selectively destroy senescent cells, which are the main cause of systemic aging syndrome and age-related pathologies.
01.02.2013All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (St. Petersburg, April 24-25, 2008).
01.04.2008AstraZeneca intends to open a center for bioinformatics and prognostic medicine in St. Petersburg in 2011. Talented Russian scientists will be involved in the work of the research center.
17.06.2011People with Parkinson's disease who walked on a treadmill for a long time, but at a low speed, significantly improved gait and coordination of movements.
14.04.2011The Skolkovo Innovation Award competition has gathered more than 10,000 participants and more than 2,000 ideas.
18.02.2011Three Danish doctors have made a bold experiment on themselves: is it really possible to get drunk by putting your feet in a basin of vodka. Maybe they put the experience mentally, and used 6 liters for their intended purpose? But the article was published in the BMJ...
16.12.2010Activation of cannabinoid receptors suppresses the activity of the immune system, increasing the body's susceptibility to infections and certain types of cancer.
29.11.2010A guy from Kansas, who grew up in an orphanage and with foster parents, decided to find his mom. And found it... it is not recommended for the faint of heart to read!
25.11.2010Doctors still don't fully understand how Alzheimer's disease develops. There is no consensus even on whether amyloid plaques are the cause of the disease or its symptom. And none of the methods of preventing Alzheimer's disease could be confirmed experimentally…
05.05.2010Timely detection and treatment of high blood pressure is by far the most effective method of preventing senile dementia.
14.01.2010A skin flap grown from keratinocytes and fibroblasts with an additional gene can deliver the corresponding protein to the body.
12.01.2010Genome features predisposing to binge drinking do not always increase the risk of developing alcohol dependence.
03.11.2009Experts hope that by transferring the genes responsible for the synthesis of myosin, they will be able to improve cardiac function and cure heart failure.
06.10.2009"The slogan of our salon should be: investment – in innovation, innovation – in investment," said the Mayor of Moscow at the opening ceremony of the salon of innovation and investment.
27.08.2009Scientists have long assumed that there is a connection between type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Now, after a new role of humanin in glucose metabolism has been discovered, indirect confirmation of this guess has appeared.
23.07.2009The heart tissue sample obtained by biopsy is grown for about a month so that the number of stem cells reaches 10-25 million. After that, the resulting stem cells are again delivered to the heart through a catheter.
03.07.2009Compliance with the regime of children's sleep can be an important, almost cost-free, measure to prevent childhood obesity.
20.05.2008A portable electric detector is capable of detecting COVID-19 RNA and antibodies to the virus in 10 minutes without taking a smear or blood.
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