Cancer cure found in tick saliva
Isolated from the saliva of ticks, the compound is able to slow down the reproduction of malignant tumor cells without harming healthy cells.
02.09.2009Isolated from the saliva of ticks, the compound is able to slow down the reproduction of malignant tumor cells without harming healthy cells.
02.09.2009On September 1, the International Conference "Chromosome-2009" opened in Novosibirsk.
02.09.2009Spanish researchers have linked specific antibodies to the main metabolite of cocaine, benzoylecgonine, to the surface of silver nanoparticles deposited on a matrix of carbon nanotubes.
02.09.2009The Russian Youth Award in the field of nanoindustry will be awarded to young specialists under the age of 35 who have developed a new nanotechnology product or mastered its production.
01.09.2009The Organizing Committee of the Russian Innovation Week invites you to take part in the II St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum, which will be held on September 30 – October 3, 2009 in St. Petersburg.
01.09.2009Older people are more at risk of skin cancer and infections because their skin is not able to mobilize the immune system to protect the body.
31.08.2009The new vaccine is a combination of "cat antigen" with viral particles. Once in the body, this construct is recognized by the immune system as a virus and causes the production of protective IgG immunoglobulins.
28.08.2009Australian scientists have created a pharmacologically active flavor containing psychotropic components isolated from herbs that can help in the fight against stress and thinking disorders in old age.
28.08.2009For the first time in the world, direct measurements of the frequency of occurrence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were carried out from a human.
28.08.2009"The slogan of our salon should be: investment – in innovation, innovation – in investment," said the Mayor of Moscow at the opening ceremony of the salon of innovation and investment.
27.08.2009Researchers from the University of Wisconsin have grown several types of photosensitive retinal cells from adult skin cells.
26.08.2009Genetically modified bacteria, which in the presence of specific sugar turn into a drug delivery mechanism, can become a new treatment for various diseases.
25.08.2009The Institute of Human Stem Cells plans to attract 120-150 million rubles during the IPO at MICEX in the fall of 2009.
25.08.2009Anyone over the age of 16 for 160 pounds (approximately $ 250) can independently conduct a paternity test. Just do not forget: "in much wisdom there is much sorrow; and whoever multiplies knowledge multiplies sorrow."
25.08.2009The cost of sequencing a personal genome has crossed the $50,000 milestone
25.08.2009The Nanog protein (its name comes from the Celtic "Tir Nan Og" – "land of eternal youth") is the last switch in the chain of reactions on the way of reprogramming embryonic stem cells into somatic ones.
25.08.2009"People are very disappointed – after all, they expected a lot from his research on stem cell cloning," one of the prosecutors said, commenting on his demand for a four–year prison term for the scientist.
24.08.2009To implement the project, a joint venture is being created, the participants of which will be RUSNANO and NTfarma LLC. It is planned to bring two types of vaccines and therapeutic biologics to the market.
27.07.2009The huge amount of information collected by the Biobank will allow us to establish the genetic causes of the most common chronic diseases – cancer, diabetes, coronary heart disease, etc. – as well as risk factors for their development.
24.07.2009By changing the mass fraction of the dye, you can change the color temperature of white (from cold to warm shade), and when changing the proportions of fluorescent DNA molecules, the light bulb can produce almost any color stream, from blue to orange.
23.07.2009You can write to the editor at:
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