A small but proud Russian biotechnology
Currently, our country is at the most important stage of making a strategic decision: how to bring the domestic bioindustry from an outsider position in the conditions of the global biotech boom.
10.07.2009Currently, our country is at the most important stage of making a strategic decision: how to bring the domestic bioindustry from an outsider position in the conditions of the global biotech boom.
10.07.2009Russian scientists have begun developing a technology for obtaining therapeutic antibodies for the treatment of rabies using genetically modified yeast.
09.07.2009British researchers have created a strategy for obtaining in vitro male spermatogenic progenitor cells (germline stem cells - GSCs) from human embryonic stem cells.
08.07.2009Scientists from the Burnham Medical Research Institute have discovered that one of the types of polysaccharides that make up cell membranes can act as oncosuppressors in breast and prostate cancer.
08.07.2009Five cups of coffee a day can eliminate memory problems in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
07.07.2009An international group of scientists has determined that a specific set of genes is not responsible for the appearance of a "beer belly", but a specific set of genes.
07.07.2009The main theme of the World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics is the fight against Alzheimer's disease.
06.07.2009Initially, doctors turned the tooth into a "stand" for special optical lenses. Then the tooth was returned to its place and within three months it overgrown with new tissues and "reunited" with blood vessels. And finally, the whole structure was carefully inserted into the patient's eyeball. After two weeks, the vision in the eye was almost completely restored.
06.07.2009Modern DNA sequencing technologies allow you to work with dozens of samples simultaneously. The DNA Sudoku method will allow sequencing hundreds of thousands of DNA sequences simultaneously.
06.07.2009The heart tissue sample obtained by biopsy is grown for about a month so that the number of stem cells reaches 10-25 million. After that, the resulting stem cells are again delivered to the heart through a catheter.
03.07.2009Cosmetologists are beginning to use the latest advances in molecular biology, common in the pharmaceutical industry, to measure the expression of thousands of genes in the skin of different ages.
01.07.2009Scientists plan to establish whether video games are able to positively influence the thinking processes of older people, and if so, write recommendations for developers of therapeutic video games and create a prototype of such a game.
01.07.2009Scientists have identified a key element determining the relationship between diet and longevity. As it turned out, two proteins are responsible for the lifespan of nematodes, the activity of which depends on the amount of food consumed.
30.06.2009Researchers from the Sydney biotech company EnGeneIC cured cancer with drugs in a "wrapper" from the membrane of bacteria. Scientists plan to start testing on cancer-stricken volunteers within a month.
30.06.2009The main focus of the health centers will be the preservation of the health of citizens and the formation of a healthy lifestyle for them.
29.06.2009One of the main functions of the p53 protein is to counteract the replication of potentially oncogenic cells. Trim24 attaches a "black label" to it – the ubiquitin protein, and p53 is destroyed under the influence of specialized protein complexes – proteasomes.
29.06.2009To create it, scientists used blood vessels of pigs' intestines, on which they then grew cultures of liver cells – hepatocytes.
29.06.2009After kidney transplantation, the patient has to undergo a painful biopsy procedure every six months, or even more often. The Russian Scientific Center of Surgery has developed a method for determining the danger of rejection of a transplanted kidney by protein markers in urine.
26.06.200916-year-old Brookie Greenberg from Baltimore looks like a six-month-old child.
26.06.2009The Japanese government has unveiled a five-year research plan for induced pluripotent stem cells. In the current fiscal year, 14 billion yen will be allocated to researchers.
25.06.2009You can write to the editor at:
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