The world's first stem cell facelift
During the operation, stem cells obtained from fat deposits on the patient's abdomen were used. The result is obvious :)
22.12.2009During the operation, stem cells obtained from fat deposits on the patient's abdomen were used. The result is obvious :)
22.12.2009The main focus of the health centers will be the preservation of the health of citizens and the formation of a healthy lifestyle for them.
29.06.2009This year the multi-conference is timed to the 35th anniversary of the IHBFM SB RAS.
02.07.2019Over the past year, several foreigners have been prosecuted in the Novosibirsk Region for collecting classified information in the field of scientific developments of scientists of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
29.01.2008Chinese experts have successfully cloned pigs with robots for the first time. Thanks to artificial intelligence, the first 13 piglets were born.
06.07.2017The test, based on the detection of autoantibodies in the blood that are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease, allows you to detect it in the early stages with 100% accuracy.
15.06.2016The law prohibits any techniques related to human cloning, without specifying their methods, in order to prevent attempts to circumvent the ban through new technologies not specified in the document.
24.05.2016In 2013, Russia spent $24.8 billion on research and development - 1.7% of global spending.
23.11.2015The immune system of animals vaccinated with a patch neutralized viruses faster than in mice who received the vaccine by injection. The patch has other advantages compared to a syringe…
19.07.2010The new law, which comes into force on July 1, regulates the collection and use of genetic data of citizens.
18.06.2019A tattoo in which microscopic (120 nm in size) beads of a biocompatible polymer filled with a fluorescent dye and a glucose–sensitive substance are used as a dye, when the sugar level rises, it will glow in the infrared range - the stronger the more of the analyzed substance is in the intercellular fluid.
28.01.2009The use of embryonic stem cells will open up new opportunities for creating breeds of cows with the desired properties.
07.02.2018Roskachestvo proposed to introduce in Russia a methodology for DNA studies of food products to detect substitution of raw materials and detection of counterfeit, the head of the department said.
29.03.2017Even if the "y" disappears, it is unlikely that this will mean the disappearance of men – we must think, as in the case of spiny mice, evolution will find a way to preserve the "stronger sex".
17.10.2016Tobacco smoke and the tar it contains are a source of major health risks associated with smoking
31.08.2023The method will allow you to track the appearance of blood clots during medical procedures and after surgery, and in the future – to prevent thromboembolic complications in the early stages.
20.09.2016Biologists analyzed the genomes of the indigenous peoples of America and Eurasia to identify features in the genetic changes of the populations under consideration.
18.07.2016American and New Zealand scientists have concluded that the only serious risk that smoking marijuana poses to health is the development of gum diseases.
06.06.2016Gyeondyo-bar ice cream, which, according to its manufacturer, helps to fight a hangover, contains 0.7% govenia extract.
25.05.2016Is aging inevitable? Do we need immortality? How long can technological progress continue? Aubrey de Grey will answer these questions in a lecture (October 30, Friday, 19:00, Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, Ostozhenka str., 16).
28.10.2015You can write to the editor at:
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