The main mystery of super-twisted DNA has been solved
Biologists from the USA have discovered the mechanism of folding DNA into a compact super-twisted structure, which has long remained unknown.
22.05.2017Biologists from the USA have discovered the mechanism of folding DNA into a compact super-twisted structure, which has long remained unknown.
22.05.2017The Federal Center for Animal Health Protection has developed and registered two unique vaccines against the low-pathogenic avian influenza virus subtype H9.
15.05.2017The total length of the race route is 100 nm, including two 45-degree turns, the time is 30 hours. The event is broadcast online on the official Youtube channel.
28.04.2017Nanosatellites are usually used to study the Earth's surface and atmosphere. Samara University decided to adapt them for biological experiments.
27.04.2017China has launched a program to grow human organs in space. The Tianzhou-1 space truck has already delivered stem cells into orbit.
25.04.201764 years ago, James Watson, Francis Crick and Rosalind Franklin published in the journal Nature the results of a study of the structure of the deoxyribonucleic acid molecule.
25.04.2017It's not just that the drug costs $1,000,000. The product was put on the market without sufficient evidence to prove that it is really worth the money.
24.04.2017Roselectronics will open a Center for the development of advanced electronic equipment for neurology, surgery, oncology and other areas of medicine in Krasnoyarsk.
20.04.2017A major supplier of packaged meat products and pork producer in the United States plans to decellularize pork organs and sell them to medical institutions.
18.04.2017The biochip developed at NEFU allows you to get results in four hours for five hereditary diseases, the most common among the Yakut ethnic group.
12.04.2017The authors of the report "Medicine of the Future: Russian pharmaceuticals in the context of global trends" on average rated mass Russian medicine by five points.
10.04.2017If hereditary pathology is detected at an early stage, chances are high to significantly reduce the cost of therapy compared to the treatment of those who already have complications.
07.04.2017Tomsk State and British Goldsmith Universities have launched the TAGS website, which tells in an accessible form about the latest achievements in the field of genetics.
06.04.2017Unpaywall is an extension for the Google Chrome browser that allows you to legally and for free read scientific articles hidden behind a paywall – a "payment wall".
05.04.2017The European Patent Office intends to grant a patent with a wide scope of protection for the use of the popular genome editor – the CRISPR system – to the University of California.
05.04.2017The vaccine has passed initial safety tests, and the second phase of trials has now begun, during which the effectiveness of the drug will be revealed.
04.04.2017Within the framework of the Russian-British project "Methods of multi-mix genome-wide analysis of transcriptome, proteome and complex features for molecular profiling".
03.04.2017The accelerator will be used to treat cancerous tumors that cannot be surgically removed. We are talking, first of all, about glioblastomas of the brain and melanoma metastases.
31.03.2017Roskachestvo proposed to introduce in Russia a methodology for DNA studies of food products to detect substitution of raw materials and detection of counterfeit, the head of the department said.
29.03.2017NPO Microgen has started phase I clinical trials of the first domestic polyvalent vaccine containing two serotypes of the meningococcal virus.
29.03.2017You can write to the editor at:
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