Scammers in white coats
Almost half a billion dollars were stolen from the state program of free medical care for the elderly.
15.05.2012Almost half a billion dollars were stolen from the state program of free medical care for the elderly.
15.05.2012In the clinic, the OraQuick test system determines the presence or absence of HIV infection with 99% accuracy. The accuracy of the test for self-use was 93%; according to the requirements of the FDA, this indicator should be at least 95%.
15.05.2012Research area: biophotonics, photomedicine, nanophotonics, nanotechnology, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, quantum computer science, laser physics, optoelectronics, etc.
15.05.2012The forum and exhibition "Health|Life – A Healthy lifestyle" (Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Exhibition Center, June 5-7, 2012) will allow companies working in the field of production and promotion of products and services to maintain and strengthen health, preserve beauty to demonstrate their achievements.
15.05.2012The exceptionally long lifespan of naked diggers may also be due to the peculiarities of cellular mechanisms for processing proteins damaged by free radicals.
14.05.2012To create an artificial retina, scientists decided to use solar cells activated by an infrared ray, which made it possible to combine the transmission of visual information with the transmission of energy and simplify the device of the implant.
14.05.2012A good result has so far been achieved only in mice no older than two weeks. But the results obtained confirm the possibility of gene therapy for sensorineural hearing loss – hearing loss caused by a violation of the functions of hair cells.
14.05.2012A disposable device resembling a patch measuring 5 by 13 cm, slightly more than 10 mm thick and weighing 34 g, can continuously record an ECG for two weeks.
14.05.2012"Drinking wine is just as harmful as taking poison," wrote the Roman philosopher Seneca. However, the difference between the drug and the poison is only in the dose. This rule fully applies to the "milk of Venus", as wine was called in antiquity.
12.05.2012The two-week school of advanced study of biology and related disciplines will be held for the first time on the initiative and with the support of the Dynasty Foundation in August 2012 at the Pushchino boarding house.
12.05.2012The "breast cancer genes" BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase women's fertility by one and a half times, and without restraining factors, breast cancer would become a universal phenomenon. But without the care of a grandmother who died of cancer, the child was less likely to survive and pass the mutation to the next generation.
11.05.2012The Max Planck International Research Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Bioengineering announces the fall 2012 enrollment of graduate students.
11.05.2012The St. Petersburg Committee for Science and Higher Education announces in 2012 a competition for the best innovative projects in the field of science and higher professional education.
11.05.2012The exceptional life expectancy of naked diggers is interconnected with the maintenance of high levels of growth factor NRG-1 in their cerebellum throughout their lives.
11.05.2012The full title of the review article by the staff of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of KFU, published in the prestigious journal Chemical Society Reviews, reads as follows: "Cyborg cells: functionalization of living cells using polymers and nanomaterials."
10.05.2012Residents of the St. Petersburg special economic zone, created 5 years ago, still cannot take advantage of the preferences provided by a residence permit in it.
10.05.2012This year, the theme of the largest international award in the field of nanotechnology is medicine, pharmacology and biotechnology.
10.05.2012Modified T-cell receptors can selectively bind to tumor cells, marking them for destruction by T-lymphocytes, normally reacting to microorganisms, and not to cancer cells.
10.05.2012Dynasty grants for participation in practical courses at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and the European Molecular Biology Organization will be awarded to 10 biologists who were the first to pass the competition.
05.05.2012The authors of the technique hope that this is only the beginning of understanding the contribution of epigenetics to the development of breast cancer, and in the coming years they expect to find many more examples of the effect of gene modification on the risk of developing various diseases.
05.05.2012You can write to the editor at:
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